About us
Our main value
is your smile!
Dental clinic SIA “Klīnika Denta“ is the largest private dental practice in Latvia. It offers dental services where state-of-the-art innovations meet with the experience of dentists, providing patients with top-quality dental care.

The clinic features 21 dental oLces, which employ more than 30 dentists with signiOcant experience in dental therapy, surgery, implantology, prosthetics, hygiene, and orthodontics. The specialists of the dental technical laboratory of the clinic, working in tandem with the dentist, ensure excellent quality of dentures while delivering orders in a signiOcantly shorter time!
Your smile - our reward
Our dentists perform high-quality examinations and diagnostics with modern X-ray equipment. For example, a panoramic X-ray allows the dentist to perform a complete diagnosis of both the maxillary and mandibular teeth from a single X-ray image.

Dental prosthetists in cooperation with dental technicians in a short time recommend the best and most aesthetic solutions to replace the missing teeth. Using the state-of-the-art prosthetic solutions, e.g., zirconia, the aesthetics of which are comparable to a natural tooth, and which are manufactured in the technical dental laboratory of SIA “Klīnika Denta”, our dentists will be able to recover your natural smile and functionality. Dental technicians will repair damaged dentures, weld fallen out teeth and restore removable tooth structures in one day.
The implantologists of the clinic work with the highest quality implantology systems from the companies “Semados” (Germany) and “Straumann” (Switzerland). In turn, our surgeons not only provide high-quality implant placement in the jaw, but also high-quality and aesthetic prosthetics on implants.
Insurance companies
SIA ”Klīnika Denta” cooperates with the largest insurance companies in Latvia: “Ergo”, “Balta”, “BTA”, “Baltikums”, “Seesam”, “If”, “Gjensidige”, “Compensa”, “Baltic Insurance House”, while in cooperation with the National Health Service children under 18 years of age are serviced free of charge.
With care
for every client
All specialists

SIA “Klīnika Denta” has equipped its X-ray room with a new state-of-the-art Carestream 3D computed tomography scanner to provide our patients with the highest level of dental diagnostics.
With this device we are able to perform the following X-ray diagnostics:
- 3D jaw computed tomography for both jaws, each individually or by segments.
- Digital or thopantomogram (panoramic X-ray).
- Supplementary sinus X-ray.

Anitra Gulbe
Certified dental hygienist

Dr. Evita Smalka
Specialization: Dental therapy – aesthetic coverage of anterior teeth, prosthodontics

Dr. Egita Gracia-Steinerte
Specialization: Endodontics – root canal treatment
SIA “Klīnika Denta” has equipped its X-ray room with a new state-of-the-art Carestream 3D computed tomography scanner to provide our patients with the highest level of dental diagnostics.
With this device we are able to perform the following X-ray diagnostics:
- 3D jaw computed tomography for both jaws, each individually or by segments.
- Digital or thopantomogram (panoramic X-ray).
- Supplementary sinus X-ray.
Meet the real quality – SIA Klīnika Denta dental technical laboratory!
SIA Klīnika Denta dental technical laboratory, which is an integral structural unit of the clinic, provides customers daily with a wide range of prosthetic services, which are quickly and qualitatively implemented by dentists, working together with dental technicians:
- manufacture of prostheses, including by ivocap and deIex pressing methods;
- milling of zirconium using Zirkonzahn materials.
- manufacture of metal crowns and bridges
- manufacture of stamped crowns and gold crowns, bridges;
manufacture of arch prostheses with cast – milled crowns;

Meet the real quality – SIA Klīnika Denta dental technical laboratory!

SIA Klīnika Denta dental technical laboratory, which is an integral structural unit of the clinic, provides customers daily with a wide range of prosthetic services, which are quickly and qualitatively implemented by dentists, working together with dental technicians:
- manufacture of prostheses, including by ivocap and deIex pressing methods;
- milling of zirconium using Zirkonzahn materials.
- manufacture of metal crowns and bridges
- manufacture of stamped crowns and gold crowns, bridges;
- manufacture of arch prostheses with cast – milled crowns;
With care
for every client

SIA ”Klīnika Denta” dental institution procedures for ensuring the accessibility of the environment for persons with functional disorders.
We provide the opportunity for people with disabilities to receive services in accordance with approved medical technologies, however, this opportunity is provided with the help of an assisting person.
We ask our patients to inform the clinic reception in advance by phone: +371 67553339, +371 20289289 or e-mail pieraksties@denta.lv or denta@denta.lv
For patients with movement disorders, a call button is installed at the entrance from Briķernieku Street.